Sunday, November 27, 2016

An open letter from Jonathan Pahnke to my children

To all my children:

It takes a lot of courage to put your heart out there for all the world to see, and to openly admit one's mistakes. But as the holiday season is once again upon us, and after the recent occasion of my youngest child from my ten year marriage's birthday passing, once more, utterly void of opportunity for my inclusion, I am forced by the pain the absence of my children in my life affects to reflect upon mistakes of the past as I embark upon what will likely be the last leg of my journey in this world (should the Lord not determine otherwise). A little more about what has brought me to this point.

While most people look forward to the holidays with joy at the prospects of seeing friends and family, for me, it is a painful reminder of a cruel alienation, some caused by my own choices, some caused by others and just by life, (the original sin of pride and post-divorce fallout being the main culprits); but whatever the mechanisms that have brought me here, and the cruel aspects of its result in my (and sadly your), my dear children's lives, the knowledge of my own mortality has forced me to come to the point of taking this drastic action notwithstanding what my detractors and those who don't really know me might think or say about me. Indeed, it has caused me to here bare my heart in the earnest hopes that somehow, you, my children, might read these words and it provide you some solace (or at least understanding) about my absence these many years and how sorry I am for my part in it, (which ultimately I take responsibility for, see below).

Some of you, (I'm talking here primarily about my adult children from my marriage of ten years), I haven't seen or spoken with for many, many years due to a multitude of complicated factors I won't go into here and my own cowardice, and I realize you may hold anger or resentment towards me, (or even worse, think I am angry or resentful towards you, which is not the case!)

You may even feel like you don't want to know or understand how sorry I am for my many past mistakes, how I long to make amends for them, or the “other side of the story.” If that remains your opinion after reading this open letter I will respect that. All I am asking for is a chance to be heard.

I also want to assure you at the outset that I have no desire to interfere in your own families (if married) or interrupt any relationships you may have with any “step” or other “father figures” currently in your lives, nor “put you in the middle” of any issues that may remain between your mother and myself, (however ancient); That wouldn't have been fair at any age, but it certainly isn't respectful to the mature and independent individuals I am sure you now are.

Indeed, I want you to know my goal is not to cause any problems for you in your life or to run anyone else down, leastwise your mother, who, for all our battles, I am sure raised you as best she could and was, at least for the years we were together, a faithful and good mother and wife, (years which in truth were the best and happiest of my life helping bring you into this world and watching you grow in your early years!) Time has a way of making us revisit our past decisions with humility and new perspectives (and hopefully grace for others), and I know the choices your mother had to make due to our separation and my own stupidity throwing away our nine (relatively good) years by following through with divorce (and re-marriage) so quickly all those years ago couldn't have been easy on her, (indeed, I can't fault her for any of them for that reason).

But regardless how you react, (or don't) to my clumsy attempt at opening a dialogue, I would be lying not to say that my earnest desire is that the God of all reconciliation and renewal who brings the dead back to life might yet be able to breathe life into our severed relationships in order that I could somehow, even now so many years later, be able to provide you with some support and/or closure that can only come from some form of relationship restoration, or in the very least, communication.

I also must be honest and admit I have great curiosity to know about what and who you have become in this world! Questions like “What do you do for a living?” “Have you married?” “Do you have children of your own?” and “Am I a grandfather?” bounce across the neurons in my brain daily in an unceasingly painful reminder that things are not as they should be, the answers for which can only come by making a determined effort at communicating. And so I write.

I realize, of course, it's not all up to me, and I can't control the outcome; to the contrary, I think much (if not most of the outcome) depends on your reply and/or what God wants to do with my feeble efforts.

And it's not as if you aren't all smart kids. I know you are, (and certainly smart enough to know there are two sides to every story). In that regard you may have questions of your own about lots of things in the past, (e.g., why I filed for divorce initially all those years ago, why I didn't agree to reconcile with your mother when she called and asked me 3 days before I was set to remarry, why I moved away and stayed away for so long, how the two of you came to live with me for a time, why I moved to TN and why I ultimately gave you back to your mother, just for starters), my life in the present, or your half brothers and sisters. I would be happy to “fill you in” on the other side of these things if you want to know.

Or perhaps you're going through a trying time of your own and/or just need to understand where you came from and why you are the way you are, (as like it or not we all are products of a combination of the characteristics of both our mother's and father's, whether good or bad, which sometimes effect us in ways we don't even realize until much later). I know even your mother can attest to this from just the troubles in her own family of origin and the important need she had to reconcile with her family in spite of the past, (I am sure she can speak to this much better than I).

But even if you decline to respond, and the kind of restoration of relationships that I long for never materializes, at least I have done my part so that you will know that the father you never knew, or knew only briefly or through the memories and tales of others, long-faded and distorted with time and repetition like an old game of “telephone,” has never stopped loving and praying for you in spite of the distance and passage of years. (Of course, most of you are no longer children who need to rely on distorted messages whispered into your ear, but grown adults able to make up your own minds and capable of hearing full information and coming to your own determinations, another reason that I write with high hopes). Regardless or the outcome however, by opening the door I can take some comfort in knowing in my heart I have done what I felt I must to give you some closure, (if nothing else), and hopefully a possibility for a better ending than beginning.

In full disclosure, as alluded to above I don't deny it's perhaps partly out of selfish motivations to ease my own conscience and curiosity that I write, but I am getting on in years now, and not a day goes by that I don't wonder who you have become and suffer from a hole in my heart that our estrangement has affected (along with taunts of my own relationship choices from the past).

In that regard, and from a perspective that only age and mortality can provide, how I wish I had fought to remain in your life, whatever the consequences or effort it would have taken! (instead of taking the easy and less confrontational path until there was no other path available but to fight over things that, in the end, really don't matter and which pale in comparison to what all of us to varying degrees have undoubtedly been robbed of, the ability to be in right relationship with all those who love us and to know and understand where we came from). But alas, I cannot go back!
It is for this reason in particular that my heart aches for all of you with the questions of what might have been had certain different outcomes occurred, and to all of my children I sincerely say, I am so very sorry I allowed my own demons and fears to alienate me from you instead of doing whatever it took to remain in your lives! Indeed, my own fears and difficulties, as well as other matters I have only briefly alluded to here, are no excuse. No matter the difficult choices we all face, we can always make better ones to keep our commitments, and ultimately are responsible for the consequences when we don't, (sometimes brutally so). It's a law as ancient as sowing and reaping, and for that, I can only blame myself.

I only hope (and pray) there is still time to right the ship in some small measure. But let me be clear: I make no demands and am under no illusions as to your response. In fact, I don't expect you to instantly welcome me into your lives from my posting here, (if you even see this).

Indeed, although it took a lot of courage for me to write this, I know it would take much more for you to reply (in fact, I would count it as a minor miracle!)

Rest assured if you do respond there is no obligation to continue, or to even decide at this point what the ultimate goal of opening a dialogue with me would even be (really I would be happy just to hear you are still alive as well as anything else you want to share!) All I can say is pray and follow your heart (which is what gave me the courage to post this!) But in the event you are tempted to respond but still feel unsure about the consequences, here are a few thoughts that may provide some comfort in wrestling with such an important decision.

First, if it makes it easier for you, no one need know of your reply, (if you should in fact choose to). This is your decision, and no one else's, and anyone who would advise you otherwise either doesn't respect your decisions as an adult or has their own ax to grind and/or is afraid of the truth you will learn, (which might make you want to ask, “What are they afraid of ” if they have been straight with you?).

I also can promise that if you should choose to enter into a dialogue with me, I will be respectful and honest with you, and have much documentation to prove what I say, (rather than just empty words, as they say, talk is cheap). I also promise to hold our conversations and anything you tell me in complete confidence until such time as you wish, if ever, for others to know.

But I lost my father at a very young age in life as well, (albeit due to different circumstances), and am distinctly aware of the sort of pain that can cause in one's life. In light of that, I simply could no longer live with myself if I didn't at least give you the option of contacting me.

To that end, if you want to reach me you can respond with your contact info by “commenting” below, (which is private and only I can see), or emailing me at my full name (first and last) at    

Again, I would love to hear anything you want to tell me, and would pledge to help you in any way possible!

As for my younger children, (esp E, S) I want you to know how much I love you and pray for you all the time! I know it's taking a long time, so much longer than I would want, but I am working hard to get to a better place so I can have something more to offer you, and am intent on learning from my past mistakes! Just don't give up! Remember God's promise that has sustained me through many lonely, dark years, found in Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future, and a hope!” And if you are hurting, scared, or facing hard decisions, talk to a guidance counselor or some adult in authority at school. They can almost always help to intervene in a bad circumstance.

To all of my children, I miss you terribly, and promise one day we will be together again! Indeed, I believe it is God's will to “turn the hearts of the children back to their fathers,” (Mal 4:6), and to “reconcile all things in Christ,” (see Col 1:20).

With a broken heart and more love for you than I could ever express with words,

Your father,

Jonathan Pahnke

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

On the "unfairness" to mother of proposed Rehearing and the rights of non-custodial fathers to Due Process as illustrated in Pahnke v. Pahnke

In my post a few weeks ago "updating" my readers on my pending Motion for Rehearing in the Vermont Supreme Court, (as revised and posted here), I promised more commentary on the critical procedural and legal issues at the core of my and my ex-wife's long running legal dispute recently addressed by the Vermont Supreme Court.

Due to my equally important mission in this blog of helping explain and represent the plight of non-custodial fathers generally however, I have since decided to take a post (or two) to give an overview of what is wrong with the system as is; i.e., why so many father's simply "bow out" and stop paying their support obligations and/or allow themselves to be pushed out of their children's lives altogether. 

My purpose is not to justify such a result, indeed, my own life and experiences testify amply as to the mistake that this is. Indeed, as I said in my first post on this blog, if I could go back and do things differently I would have fought like hell to remain a part of my children's lives regardless of the claims and legal tactics of the other side, (and the cost to me personally).

And let me reiterate that I firmly support the idea that parents ought to support their children.  Indeed, this is an important principle that must be upheld.  But as important as that principle is, there is an even more important principle, and that is that the rule of law which protects all our rights as expressed through the our State and Federal Constitutions as well as the established civil and procedural rules that all must equally be bound to in order for our very justice system to work and protect everyone's rights equally.

And practically speaking, it is important, if ever courts are to succeed in compelling non-custodial parents to pay the support they rightfully owe, that we understand why doing so is often a legal and logistical struggle, (and, in the midst of that struggle, why it results in inherent unfairness to non-custodial parents, most often fathers, with devastating results on their children).

In short, why the current laws (and frankly, any others based solely on "enforcement" of child support orders), don't, and cannot work, (and no, it has nothing to do with "cracking down on deadbeat dads" as we are often told by the media or special interests with an agenda).

The three main reasons the Courts are unfair to non-custodial Fathers (to be examined at length in future posts).

The reasons, which I will go into detail on in future posts, I group in three different areas: 1) The faulty premise of current child support laws which by and large presuppose a consistent ability of non-custodial parents to support their (former) families in absence of that family's structure and moral support. 2) The inherently unequal force of law as applied to non-custodial parents, (usually fathers, a big part of the unfairness from the getgo), and, 3) The inherently punitive nature of support "enforcement" which focuses on merely financial matters and is inherently designed (or at least results) in alienating good dads from their children's lives. I will begin with the last first.

The Pernicious Effects to Children of Alienating Fathers from their Children via "Policy".

In study after study it has now been shown that children from homes with an absent father are roughly five times more likely to have trouble with bad grades, teen sexuality, drug addition, and/or suffer from mental disorders like depression, anorexia, or bi polar disorder. 

Ominously, they are also much more likely than their peers raised in intact, two-parent homes to get in trouble with the law, commit suicide, or end up in prison.

Don't believe me? Well you don't even have to be a social scientist to connect these dots.  Just visit your local jail and ask people serving long jail sentences how their relationship with their father was when they grew up, (if they even had a relationship with their father).

While the reasons this is so may be up for debate among those in the field of social science, the results are well established and hard to dispute; Personally, unless your absent father is an active alcoholic or drug addict, a convicted child molester or an ax murderer, I believe there is something inherently stabilizing in simply knowing where you come from and having strong bonds with all those who love you and had a role in bringing you into the world and is the reason why you are, many times, the way you are, (at least genetic-wise if not personality-wise). 

In fact, while it goes without saying that all of us are less than perfect, (the theologian would say due to sin, the run of the mill social scientist would say bad forces in "society" and the biologist might "blame it on your genes,") many studies show this positive effect on one's general well being and success in the world to be the case when one enjoys a consistent relationship with even seriously flawed fathers.

Moreover, while to some extent the presence of another stable and responsible male role model such as uncles and stepfathers can help mitigate these effects, they cannot entirely diminish them, (more on such effects and the scientific evidence for their existence in future posts). 

But in keeping with today's discussion on the flaws in the present laws regarding support as applied to non-custodial fathers, and the reasons such laws are ineffective, it suffices to say they totally discount the importance of fathers beyond the mere financial and the critical interrelatedness the role such laws-- and the way "family law" is practiced generally in the vast majority of states today-- plays on the critical ability of father's to stay in their children's lives.

Indeed, to the extent such laws actually inhibit fathers from being involved in any meaningful way with their children, the repercussions are serious and long ranging, (as the above cited studies show).

Mind you, I am not saying that such laws, as interpreted by subsequent caselaw, are necessarily bad, i.e., were intended to have such effects; to the contrary, many such laws were no undoubtedly well-intentioned. 

But when well-intentioned laws have a detrimental, or even opposite effect than their intentions suggest, while it is easy to rail against absent or "deadbeat" dads as is in vogue today, it would be far more beneficial if policy makers and those in the justice system would make note as to why the negative repercussions occure and correct the course accordingly.

A few examples might illustrate what I am talking about here.

The Danger of "Ex Parte Orders" in Child Support cases vis a vis their Effects on Due Process.

One particularly obnoxious abuse of the law with far reaching (and often unfair) consequences is the use of "constructive service" of "Ex parte" orders, often not even served, or "given notice" to the non-custodial parent (father) prior to so called "emergency" hearings (or served by "publication," with no actual notice to fathers prior to procuring changes in custody and/or support).

Such "service" stems from a general loosening of jurisdictional and procedural requirements as expressed in the Rules of Civil Procedure with the advent of our mobile society and the need to allow single mothers to procure a divorce from absent fathers whose whereabouts are unknown but have abandoned their marital obligations, (as well as the dramatic rise in unwed births of couples who were never bound by the commitments of matrimony in the first place).

Such "loosening" of the procedural rules regarding service, ostensibly justified by the policy needs outlined above, are gathered loosely under the rubric of "status" cases and have sprung out of a distinction which courts have found between "In Rem" jurisdiction over the absent party and "In Personum" jurisdiction (but often without a corresponding assessment of the threat of erosion of the important due process principles at stake).

This had led to increasing acceptance of "constructive" service on non-custodial parents, which has been reflected in modern updates to the Rules of Civil Procedure, (which is nonetheless limited in the circumstances it can be used as spelled out in the Rules themselves in order to protect the very constitutional interests noted above).

In sum, while such "constructive" service is usually discouraged by the Courts unless the "moving party" first attempts service in strict conformance to the Rules of Civil Procedure, (which require either personal or registered mail notice in conformance "Rule 4" of both the State and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure), the modern trend is to disregard these critical limitations which the Rules clearly designate in order to protect the overriding public policy interests due process demands.

As a result, there seems to be a present (and alarming!) trend towards erosion of the fundamental right to be given an opportunity to "be heard" prior to State courts entering orders with far reaching consequences to the rights of non-custodial parents.

Indeed, and in my particular case, the Vermont Supreme Court has essentially disregarded its own precedents on the underlying and core issue of State and Federal service and notice jurisprudence pursuant to the due process clauses in the State and Federal Constitutions, (as abundantly addressed in my briefs posted on this site).

The danger in this is even more amplified when court orders altering the parties' rights are done "Ex parte" (which simply means "one side only"), due to the inherent and obvious unfairness to the non custodial parent of such orders, (as they allow changes in custody or support to be entered without even hearing from both parent's point of view, which is the reason why some jurisdictions have curtailed their use).

This was fulfilled with damning results in my own case, to wit:

A Brief Case History of Pahnke v. Pahnke in Vermont- How Vermont OCS and Paula Pahnke's Repeated Spurning of the Rule of Law and basic Fairness has Resulted in the Derogation of Justice in This Case.

Back in 2000, before I had voluntarily turned over the children I had from my ten year marriage to their mother in Vermont so they could spend more time with each other while I finished my studies in Nashville TN-- I won't here share all the details but their mother and I had previously shared split custody two and two-- my ex wife procured sole custody of our children in Vermont pursuant to just such an "Emergency"
Ex Parte order while I was in Tennessee, (even though she had previously promised me according to an "off the record" agreement not to "change anything" in the courts if I allowed all the children to come to Vermont).

As I was to find, possession is indeed, "nine tenths of the law," and that fact, coupled with my own hopes at the time that we might eventually reconcile, (not to mention the enormous cost of mounting an interstate battle to reverse this order), convinced me to take a "wait and see" approach that sadly proved disastrous to my children's welfare vis a vis our relationship, (take note if you're a non custodial "nice guy" father, do not let your emotions or a manipulative ex govern your decisions when it comes to your kids!)

Of course, if one is to judge by the Vermont Courts completely ignoring that my ex lied under oath in the Aug. 15, 2000 custody change hearing which initially established this case in Vermont while I finished my studies in Nashville TN by telling the Family Court judge that I had been "served" with notice of the hearing, (when she in fact had disregarded both the UCCJA and the Rules of Civil Procedure and I did not get notice of this critical hearing until after it took place), the Court's ignoring of most of my points and morally judgmental tone in its Jan. 10, 2014 order is as perplexing as it is contrary to the whole facts in this case, (i.e., its fully crediting certain statements of my ex wife in a service info form about me personally, of course, we all know that a bitter ex's statements are accurate and unbiased with no agenda, right? NOT!)

Indeed, as the Superior Court judge ruled in this case, (but the Supreme Court inexplicably mischaracterizes!) my wife of ten years only served me notice of the modified order changing custody, not notice of the hearing, and utterly failed to produce proof of notice of this critical hearing within 3 days of the Aug. 15, 2000 hearing changing custody as the Court itself had ordered her to do (and was required under the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure!).  Of course, my ex wife Paula couldn't produce such proof of service because she had failed to serve the "notice" of the Aug. 15, 2000 hearing by sheriff or certified mail as clearly was required under the above noted and settled law.
Further, even if the Vermont Supreme Court's Jan. 10, 2014 ruling that I had "waived" the right to challenge the 2000 change of custody by waiting so long to challenge it, (itself a position contrary to significant caselaw stating that "void orders are subject to attack at any time), it doesn't follow that the validity of this establishment of the case in Vermont is not a proper subject of inquiry to the proper jurisdictional basis for the 2008 filed modification more directly at issue in the Dec. 8, 2010 and Jan. 10, 2014 orders.

Rather, as I point out at length in my briefs before the court, (but apparently completely overlooked by the Court as it utterly fails to address my argument), if there was no proper jurisdiction over my person in the "underlying matter" under Vermont law, there is no ancillary jurisdiction going forward sufficient to personally bind me in the 2008 support modification, (at least without proper service of process under the Rules of Civil Procedure in line with the well settled and above noted due process and service and notice principles the Vermont Courts have previously vindicated).

Instead, absent "jurisdiction over the parties" (see FFCCSOA and UIFSA), procured by proper service of process at some point, (see U.S. v. Bigford, U.S. v. Kramer), the Vermont Courts, while arguable able to make a "status" determination regarding my children in Vermont in 2000, were unable to procure personal jurisdiction over me for purposes of support modification without first procuring proper service and notice upon me of the intention to modify the prior Michigan decree!

The Court's Jan. 10, 2014 Conclusion of Waiver- An illustration of selective issue resolution

But what of the Court's conclusion that I had "waived" my right to object to the improper notice/service of process so that it could indeed gain "in personum" jurisdiction over me for purposes of the 2008 modification? To that I have four main contentions, (none of which the court addressed on the merits in its Jan. 10 2014 order, which is why the Court, if it is fair, will grant the Motion for Rehearing).

First, the State and my ex themselves waived their right to raise/prevail on this issue as they failed to raise it in their first responsive pleading of Feb. 9, 2011 in response to my Jan. 31, 2011 Motion to Dismiss for lack of Personal Jurisdiction.

Relatedly, and more saliently, the Supreme Court completely ignores my argument that under Vermont law a "waiver" must be both knowing and intentional, (see Hixson v. Plump). Thus, in light of the Superior Court's July 26, 2011 order seemingly preserving my personal jurisdictional claims, as well as my repeatedly raising my reliance on that ruling to preserve my claims in hearings before the trial court, (as well as significant federal precedent indicating that, once raised in my Jan. 31, 2011 Motion to Dismiss, I couldn't subsequently "waive" my insufficiency of service claims by arguing the merits, see American Hospital Corp, as cited in my briefs), I couldn't possibly have "waived" my insufficiency of service claims here.

Second, while perhaps not explicitly raised as to the June 15, 2011 "ordinary mail" service of plaintiffs, contrary to the Court's multiple pronouncements that I had ignored defects in service until after the Nov. 14, 2012 modification hearing, the record is clear that, however concisely or wrongly captioned I may have challenged the insufficient service in this case, I clearly had been objecting to insufficient service and the resulting lack of jurisdiction since my Aug. 13, 2009 Motion for Relief from Judgment, (which the Court had already addressed and validated in its 2010 decision!) Thus, in line with the lenience in pleadings which the Vermont Supreme Court has routinely held must be applied to pro se litigants, to hold me to such an exacting standard-- especially when the trial court had expressly taken judicial notice of my insufficiency of service arguments with regard to the June 15, 2011 "service" at the Nov. 12, 2014 hearing-- is to abandone its duty to insure pro se litigants are not "taken advantage of" by a hyper technical application of the Rules.

Third, since the Vermont Supreme Court had already vacated the original "tack" service in my case in its Dec. 8, 2010 order and remanded for the limited purpose of determining if "constructive notice" had been given me of the 2008 modification, (and the State and my ex wife failed to produce any such evidence in spite of multiple opportunities on remand), under the law of the case this matter must now be dismissed, and/or alternately, the State was required to "start over" in their efforts to serve me, (beginning with "due diligence" to personally serve me as the Court has repeatedly ruled in other cases). 

So what is "retroactivity" and why does it matter?- Due Process and the unfair effects of immediately effective retroactive rewards to prior to the time of the insufficient June 15, 2011 "service" under Grimes v. Grimes.  

Finally, as noted above, since the Court itself notes this was not done, (see Par. 31 of Jan. 10, 2014 order), and the State itself concedes that even the "ordinary mail" service which they claim is sufficient to effect "jurisdiction" over me notwithstanding the Supreme Court's throwing out the prior service in its Dec. 8, 2010 order didn't take place until June 15, 2011, it only follows that support, if any owed my ex wife, shouldn't start until that date as a matter of logic and simple fairness, (indeed, while the Court ruled that my wife of ten years owed me under the MI decree for 2000 through 2008, they failed to address the years 1997-2000 for which I was never paid support even though I indisputably had physical responsibility of our children in those years).

Of course, this is ostensibly due to the prejudicial effect this willful delay of service occasioned by the State would cause to their action; Notably, if the High Court were to be consistent and either require the State to re-file and properly serve what essentially must necessarily be considered a "new" modification, (as the Court had invalidated service of the 2008 action in 2010, and see V.R.C.P. 5(a) ), or count my obligations from the June 15, 2011 date of service proffered as sufficient, the age of majority of our children from that date forward would limit a corresponding support obligation to only my and my ex wife's youngest child (who, in 2011, was the only child still a minor).  Why, exactly, the Court did this, (and such an "about face" to the principles it clearly enunciated re the need to strictly abide by the Rules of Civil Procedure's requirements re service), is a mystery.  (But I am sure political calculations re such a hot button issue as "dead beat dads" and child support didn't enter into the Court's decision.  It goes without saying that such "political" considerations are beyond a Court of law's proper purview and best are left to the political branches to sort out; indeed, this is the very reason judges are appointed, to insulate them from "political" considerations and influence of popular, but often wrong, sentiments when it comes to the law).

   What's love got to do with it?- A Word about "fairness" in the overall context of this Case.

Finally, a word about "fairness" to those reading this who might think, "Well how is that 'fair' to the mother?"

To that, as I note in my briefs, I can only say, if we start to "change" the requirements of the Rules of Civil Procedure on a whim to accomodate parties who clearly disregard the longstanding requirements on the plaintiffs to properly serve defendants, we not only are turning on its head established precedents meant to buttress the important due process principles outlined above, but are denying key facts in this case.

Number one, plaintiffs had at least three years in which they indisputably knew my address where they could have served me personally, but utterly failed to make any due diligence to do so in accordance with settled Vermont law, 2) My ex made absolutely no effort to even attempt modification in the Michigan courts which had entered the initial decree, 3)  Plaintiffs in this case clearly failed not just in the method of service in this matter, but, the support modification being a "new and additional claim" pursuant to V.R.C.P. 5(a) or serve me within 60 days of the trial court's March 10, 2011 order, failed to properly commence the case at all, and, 4) It is inherently unfair for my ex to have reaped the benefits of our "off record" agreement and collected years of Pahnke family support, (including the home she still lives in, a brand new car, and many other benefits), only to turn around, after my mother is found incompetent due to Alzheimer's mind you and can no longer testify as to the purpose of the years of support provided my ex wife through "family money," and claim support after almost a decade of silent acquiescense, (the "collateral estoppel" argument). 

Furthermore, when I and my Michigan attorney wrote the Oct. 8, 1997 divorce decree, the support obligations of my ex wife were set artificially low (only 12 dollars a week per child, approx. 200 month for four children!!)  I did this so she could have a "fresh start" in her life in light of my (then) having custody of all our children and her desire to attend cosmetology school.

I also allowed her to keep a new car and other possessions and assumed sole responsibility for over 20,000 in marital debt. When examined in that light, and the fact that the Vermont trial Court's order of support set at more than twice that, (and disregarding the offset required by law of my current obligations to my other children), such cries of "unfair" ring hollow indeed! 

While the Court has already indirectly dealt with such arguments in its ruling that my ex-wife cannot retroactively collect support back to 2000 or "set aside" her obligations to me prior to 2008, it does so without explaining what operation of law properly "resurrects" the modification process struck down in 2010 so as to even allow it to be "renewed" absent proper service of a new modification upon me, (and without explaining why the date of support shouldn't more properly proceed from June of 2011!)

As I point out in my Motion for Rehearing, (as revised), the present result binds a defendant (me) to a judgment for which, according to the Court's own rulings, hadn't even been served yet! (Raising all kinds of thorny Ex Post Facto and Due Process problems in itself!)  It also seems to disavow the once-reasonable approach of the Court in Grimes v. Grimes, which notes the "instant arrears" such an order will inevitably heap on me and the prejudicial effect this will likely cause to the likelihood of both payment and a more rational paradigm going forward that could innure to the actual benefit of the children involved.

It will be interesting to see how the Court resolves these issues in any modifying order on the Motion for Rehearing, (assuming it does so), or if litigation on such issues will continue in another forum. jp  

P.S. I will see if I can post a copy of the Superior Court's Aug. 1, 2012 and July 26, 2011 orders (as well as others) soon. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Revised Motion/ Memorandum for Rehearing in Vermont Supreme Court by Jonathan A. Pahnke

                                                                           *                          Vermont Supreme Court
Jonathan A. Pahnke,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
                                                                           *                           Docket No. 2012-387
                vs.                                                       *                     
                                                                           *                Re: Appeal from Vermont Superior Ct.
Paula J. Pahnke and Vermont OCS                                                                                                   
                                                                           *                      Chittenden Unit, Family Division                                                                                                                                                                                                            
                                                                                                        File no. 622-8-00 Cndm       
Jonathan Pahnke, Pro Per
130 Meeks Ave.
Findlay, OH. 45840 Ph. 419-371-8324
                                                   PARTIES & COUNSEL
For Appellant:                                                                        For Appellees:
Jonathan A. Pahnke, pro per                                               Vermont Office of Child Support
130 Meeks Ave.                                                                     Att. Sarah Hazelton, esq.
Findlay, OH. 45840                                                               32 Cherry St. Suite 310            
Ph: 419-371-8324                                                                  Burlington, Vt. 05401               
Feb. 15, 2014                                                                          Paula Pahnke
                                                                                               48 Lexington Rd.
                                                                                               Colchester, Vt. 05446
A. Law of the Case
   i.  The court has overlooked Appellant’s “law of the case” arguments vis a vis the necessary effect of Appellees’ failure on remand to comply with this court’s Dec. 8, 2010 order and the inherent unfairness of allowing Appellees a “second bite at the apple” to show they properly “served” Appellant after failing to raise the “waiver” issue in either the 2010 appeal or their
“first responsive pleading” on remand.
   This court ruled in its 2010 order,While OCS contends that father must have had some indicia that proceedings where pending, OCS offers no evidence that father had actual or constructive notice of the hearing. Therefore, we reverse the denial, vacate the default child support order and remand for a consideration of the issue on the merits.” Dec. 8, 2010 order, pp. 2-3.
     To therefore subsequently uphold the trial court’s allowing the same 2008-filed modification that was reversed and vacated in 2010 by this Court to be “renewed” or to in any way go forward absent first a showing on remand of proper service and notice of the 2009 modification proceedings or a filing of a new modification action which this court notes was not done in this case, see Jan. 10, 2014 order, ¶ 38, is not only a curious repudiation and contradiction of this Court’s 2010 ruling—  because presumably this court would have noticed the pointlessness of reversing in 2010 if Appellant had indeed already “waived” this issue, see Dec. 8, 2010 order of reversal and vacation, rec., compare Appellant’s brief, pp. 12-13, footnotes 13 & 17—  but a clear violation of this court’s “law of the case” doctrine under Morrisseau v. Estate of Fayette, 164 Vt. 358, 670 A.2d 820 (1995), Callahan v. Callahan, No. 2009-127, slip op. at 1 (Vt. Aug. 6, 2009, unpublished mem. (courts are “preclud[ed] from reexamining issues previously decided in the same case by the same court or a higher appellate court,” italics added).
      Indeed, according to the clear language of this court’s Dec. 8, 2010 order, this court did not reverse and remand in 2010 for the purpose of enabling plaintiffs to cure their fatal lack of service— up to three years after the fact and contrary to Vermont Rules of Civil and Family procedure!— but rather to allow plaintiffs an opportunity to show they had already served defendant in the first instance sufficient to commence a case under settled Vermont precedents! (See Brady v. Brauer, 148 Vt. 40, 529 A.2d 159, {1987}, Weisburgh v. McClure Newspapers, Inc. 136 Vt. 594, 396 A.2d 1388, {1979}, Beebe v. Eisemann, M.D., et al. 2012 VT 40 (Vermont Supreme Court, 2012, docket 2011-365), Bessette v. Dept of Corrections, 2005 Vt. Super, Lexis 137, Vt Dept of Taxes v. Marshall, No. S0819-04 CnC,  Society for Propagating the Gospel v Ballard, 4 VT 119 (1832), cf. Primus v. Conservation Commission of the Town of Southington 2007 Conn. App. Lexis 2004, 101 Conn App. 238, 920 A.2d 1031 (2007).
      Therefore, since Appellees on remand failed— in spite of three evidentiary hearings below— to evince one shred of evidence that they had properly “commenced” this action in accord with the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure— or even the subsequent June 15, 2011 ordinary mail “service” in spite of plaintiffs being fully advised of defendant’s address in the three years subsequent to the 2010 remand! this matter must be dismissed in accord with this Court’s Dec. 8, 2010 order or do violent harm to the “law of the case” doctrine under settled Vt precedents. [1]
   ii. This court’s Jan. 10, 2014 order overlooks that there is no authority in Vermont law to simply “renew” a vacated modification action absent filing of a second modification and that adoption of the lower courts’ time bending ‘service of process’ analysis is fundamentally unfair as it gave plaintiff’s a “second gratuitous chance” to demonstrate service in this case in spite of  their own waiver of this issue contrary to Putney School, Inc. v. Schaaf, 157 Vt. 396, 407 (1991).
      As above noted, this court correctly determined that “OCS filed only one motion to modify with the family court—the motion filed on September 16, 2008. There was no second motion which would give rise to a second filing date.” (see Jan. 10, 2014 order, ¶ 38).
      However, the court clearly overlooks the fact that there is no authority in Vermont law for merely “renewing” prior modification process already struck down— at least none this party can find—  absent filing of a new modification and/or compliance with some relevant Rule of Procedure regarding service. Moreover, the Court couldn’t rely on “ancillary jurisdiction.” [2] 
      Further, the Court simultaneously accepts the trial court’s “time bending” analysis switching the relevant time frame for the service of process inquiry directed by this court’s Dec. 8, 2010 order from one preceding the Feb. 2009 modification hearing to the time period directly preceding the Nov. 14, 2011 hearing— a hearing which, if the trial court had enforced this court’s 2010 order, would never have taken place, at least without the filing and proper serving of a filed second modification— and ignores that Appellees’ failure to raise their “waiver” argument in either the 2010 appeal or their “first responsive pleading” on remand in their Feb. 9, 2011 response to defendant’s Motion to Dismiss should properly preclude them from prevailing on this claim now pursuant to both V.R.C.P. 12(h)(1) and prior precedents of the Court.
      Saliently, in Putney School, Inc. v. Schaaf, 157 Vt. 396, 407 (1991), this court ruled, 
As a result of the court's Aug. 12th order, Putney reasonably relied on CNA to cover its liability... subject only to an appeal of the issues litigated... Prejudice to Putney is obvious; after Putney settled a lawsuit subject to the trial court's judgment... the court allowed CNA to spring a new ground to avoid the risk and thereby changed the calculus Putney used in settling the Schaaf claim. On the other hand, CNA, which had a full and fair opportunity to litigate the issue of coverage, sought a gratuitous second chance in violation of principles of finality and judicial economy... the court abused its discretion by granting its request.
Putney School, Inc. v. Schaaf, 157 Vt. 396, 407 (1991)      
     Indeed, to allow plaintiffs to now prevail on their “waiver” claim re Appellant’s Insufficiency of service/lack of service arguments which they themselves had already waived by failing to raise this defense in their “first responsive pleading” of Feb. 9, 2011 in the trial court in response to Appellant’s Motion to Dismiss, (see Appellant’s Reply Brief, ps. 14-15, compare Jan. 10, 2014 order, V.R.C.P. 12(h)(1) ), not only undermines the clear principles of fairness and finality addressed by this Court in Putney, supra, but is a gross distortion of justice, as it has allowed plaintiffs to “spring a new ground” and have a “second gratuitous chance” to prevail on the issue of “waiver” contrary to the principles announced in Putney, supra. 
     Further, the fundamental unfairness of this court’s Jan. 10, 2014 ruling on such matters is even more stark when taken in light of this court’s denial of this party’s unsuccessful attempts in this Court at clarifying the purpose for the 2010 remand in his “Motion to Amend/ Clarify this Court's Dec. 8, 2010 Order” and Appellant’s “MOTION FOR EN BANC RECONSIDERATION OF MOTION TO AMEND/RECONSIDER DECEMBER 8. 2010 ORDER” (see in record). 
  B.  Waiver of Appellant’s Insufficiency of Service/Lack of Service jurisdictional claims.
 i.  The court's Jan. 10, 2014 ruling that defendant didn't “reserve” his insufficiency of service/lack of jurisdiction arguments misapplies its own precedents, is self contradictory and overlooks that although at times concisely and wrongly captioned, pro se father did, in fact, raise his insufficiency of service jurisdictional claims repeatedly both before and after the contested June 15, 2011 “service” in this matter. 
      This court’s Jan. 10, 2014 order held that Father “waived” his insufficiency of service/lack of service claims by “fail[ing] to challenge the sufficiency of the 2011 service in any of the motions that he filed prior to the November 14, 2011 modification hearing,”[6] (Jan. 10, 2014 order  ¶ 23), and that, “As the magistrate noted, father’s initial filings did not reserve the defense of lack of service.” (Id. ¶ 20).  It further held that Appellant father “did not object to service of the renewed motion to modify filed in 2011 and the second hearing until after the 2011-2012 child support modification hearings,” (see Jan. 10, 2014 order, ¶ 25), and— as the Courts below[3]— and that Appellant has "waived" his personal jurisdiction claims by allegedly "not raising them" in his Aug. 13, 2009 Motion for Emergency Relief, his Nov. 2, 2009 Motion to Reconsider that denial, and his prior appeal to the Supreme Court, (Jan. 10 order, ¶¶ 20-21, 24).[4] However, these conclusions are erroneous as a matter of law and fact, as shown at length in this party’s opening Brief, (see Appellant’s brief, pp. 12, 5-6 and 9-13).     
      With reference to Appellant’s filings in 2009 and 2010 re the prior appeal to this Honorable Court, the Court’s rulings thereon raise a particularly thorny catch 22; To wit, if the earlier filings prior to and including the 2010 appeal, are, in fact, relevant to the question of Appellant’s alleged “waiver” of his insufficiency of service claims re the June 15, 2011 “service,” than why isn’t the content of Appellant’s Aug. 13, 2009 “Emergency” Rule 60(b) Motion for relief from the Feb 23, 2009 order not also relevant?  To that end this court clearly overlooks that pro se father, did, in fact, raise his insufficiency/lack of service jurisdictional claims, albeit concisely, in this party’s very first Aug. 13, 2009 filing:
Therefore, there being no legal service and/or jurisdiction on respondent re: this significant modification of his obligations in the above-styled action, the magistrate's default judgment... and all other current enforcements, administrative actions, and other consequences flowing from this lack of legal service should be vacated.
Appellant’s Opening Brief, ps. 12-13, citing Defendant's Aug. 13, 2009 "Emergency Motion/Appeal to Set Aside..." p.2 ¶3, in record, italics and bold added for clarity and emphasis.
       On the other hand, if the filings preceding this court’s Dec. 8, 2010 order of reversal and remand are not relevant, and the 2010 order truly “vacated” the Jan. 12, 2009 “tack” service of process, this Court has utterly failed to explain why Plaintiffs can still rely on said “process” while simultaneously disregarding the import of the 2010 ruling by— in the words of this court’s Jan. 10, 2014 order— simply informally “renewing” their 2008 modification action (Jan. 10, 2014 order, ¶¶ 24, 25, 38), and that without even showing proper service of process under the Rules of Civil Procedure either before or after the Court’s Dec. 2010 ruling! [5]
       While in support of its “waiver” ruling this Court cites Myers v. Brown, 465 A.2d 254 (1983), Attig v. Attig, 2004 VT 80, ¶ 18, 177 Vt. 544, 862 A.2d 243 (holding that father waived a claim of insufficiency of service of process where he failed to raise the issue in motions or pleadings in family court), and Rollo v. Cameron, 2013 VT 74, ¶ 10 (stating that defendant in relief-from-abuse case must raise issue of insufficiency of service by motion), when scrutinized all three are easily distinguishable from the facts in this case.
        In both Rollo, supra, and Myers, supra, the defendant had actual knowledge of the suits pending against them yet willfully allowed default judgments to be entered against them, (see Meyers, supra, at ¶1, Rollo, supra, at ¶ 12), unlike here where Appellant's cause is before the Court on direct appeal of contested proceedings below, (and Appellant has continuously and diligently litigated this case and the issue of insufficiency of service ever since his Aug. 2009 “Emergency Motion[6] ).
      Moreover, a key factor in the Myers decision was the unique relationships of the principal parties involved and notice given to various corporate defendants, (including service on the company’s lawyer who was also an officer of the company! see Myers, supra, at ¶ 2).   
      In Rollo, supra, this court ruled, “To properly assert the defense of insufficient service of process, defendant needed to either file a motion to dismiss prior to the final relief-from-abuse hearing or raise the defense at the hearing itself.” Id. ¶ 11 (italics and bold added).
      However, this court clearly overlooks that in the facts of this case Appellant did, in fact, timely raise such claims in his Jan. 31, 2011 Motion to Dismiss as well as orally at the March 12, 2012 and Nov. 14, 2011 hearings, unlike the litigants in Myers, Rollo, and Attig! At the very least it is clear the trial court was fully apprised of this issue, see dvd transcript of March 12, 2012 hearing at 3:07:28, “[U]nder Rule 5 of the V.R.C.P. [Ms. Haselton] served you with notice, the motion, and the attached affidavits in these proceedings; Are you saying that that is insufficient?”[7] 
      Indeed, in this regard, this Court’s holdings that Appellant father “did not object to service of the renewed motion to modify filed in 2011 and the second hearing until after the 2011-2012 child support modification hearings,” (see Jan. 10, 2014 order, ¶ 25), are clearly erroneous on the face of the record. [8]
     Further, an additional factor in the Rollo decision not present in the modification here was the fact that the process in Rollo was personally served on defendant but “defendant refused to sign the acceptance of service,” Rollo, supra, 2. 
      Even more saliently, this court cited the unique role of the Court, as opposed to a plaintiff, in initiating and completing service of ex parte orders, “While the dissent faults plaintiff with failing to comply with the rules, given the process set forth in the Rules for Family Proceedings and the statutes governing emergency relief, that assignment of blame cannot stand. It is the court that initiates service of the temporary restraining order on the defendant, not the plaintiff. Return of service of the temporary order is filed directly with the court, 15 V.S.A. § 1105(c) ("The person making service shall file a return of service with the court . . ."), rather than being returned to the plaintiff's attorney for filing proof of service with the court. V.R.C.P. 4(i).” (Rollo, supra, at 7, italics added for emphasis [9]).
     Moreover, as pointed out in Appellant’s Brief, (see Question 2, “vi” p. 12, ¶ 2), absent compliance with Vermont Rule of Civil Procedure 4(l) regarding waiver of service to commence a case in Vermont, there is no authority for a Vermont state court to simply “declare” service and effect jurisdiction absent compliance with the Rules of Civil Procedure, no matter how well-  intentioned Appellees or the trial court. Rather, as this court has stated, “Plenary power is not arbitrary power," id., Part II. ¶4, citing Fortier v. Byrnes, 165 Vt. 189, 678 A.2d 890, (1996), Miller v. Miller, 84 Vt. 464, 965 A.2d 524, (2008). [10]
      Myers and Rollo therefore clearly do not support the Jan. 10, 2014 order of the Court.
       In Attig v. Attig, supra, the court there dealt with an Illinois case which father himself initiated and attempted to register in Vermont, (id. 3, 4), who then set out to engage in a pattern of service avoidance and dilatory and meritless multi-state motions, repeatedly filed at the last minute and then withdrawn, including a dilatory and frivolous effort to transfer the case to federal court, to wit, Over the last five years, in mostly frivolous litigation spanning at least two states and now the federal courts, father has repeatedly attempted to manipulate the legal system… His notice of removal, handed to the judge just minutes prior to the hearing, was improper, incomplete, untimely and completely without merit, and was but another brazen attempt at delay and abuse of the legal system.” Id. ¶ 21.
       In contrast here, while the court states in its Jan. 10, 2014 order that, “father moves frequently,” id. ¶ 19, and makes allusions to defendant’s “eluding” of service (id. ¶ 20)— based solely on returned mail and a non-sworn and ex parte statement from Appellant’s ex wife on a generic court form— father here did not initiate the litigation in Vermont, nor is there any conclusive record evidence that defendant here, while persistent in his legal appeals since 2009, has “frivolously and dilatorily” manipulated the legal system or intentionally avoided service. [11]
       Indeed, this court in its Jan 10, 2014 order makes no assertion that defendant has failed to diligently prosecute this matter or has filed frivolous appeals, (this court surely didn’t feel this way in 2010). Nor did the Court in its Jan. 10, 2014 order grant relief to plaintiffs on the issue of “Res Judicata” raised in their brief.
       Further, unlike the lack of diligence of the plaintiffs in the present action to comply with the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure, (Jan. 10, 2014 order, fn 2), the plaintiffs in Attig had already complied with the Rules of Civil Procedure for initial service of process, (id., ¶7),  and service of the subsequent contempt motion in Attig, supra, was attempted in strict conformance to Rule 4 of the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure, but was refused by defendant father on the face of the record, to wit, As the record shows, in the spring of 2002 the court attempted service of the show cause order and the motions for contempt by registered mail, return receipt, delivery restricted to addressee. See V.R.F.P. 16(b)(2) (requiring service of contempt motions to follow V.R.F.P. 4(j)(2).  Although father's address was correct — indeed it has remained unchanged since he moved back to Pennsylvania — he refused to accept delivery.” Attig, supra, ¶ 16, cf. Rollo, supra, at ¶ 2).    
      Indeed, the Court explicitly found in Attig that plaintiffs and/or the Court had attempted service on father repeatedly both by certified mail, (id., ¶15), and personal service, ¶ 16), and concluded, Given that father received copies of the contempt motions and supporting affidavits at least three times, twice in 2001 and once in early 2002, we have no doubt that he had actual notice of the charges against him and the specific facts and allegations on which the charges were based.” Id., ¶18).  
      Here, however, not only did Appellant father not “refuse delivery” of any personal or “registered mail” service required as required by Aiken v. Malloy, supra, in re R.W., supra, et al. (cf. V.R.C.P. 4), but plaintiffs here completely disregarded the trial court's March 10, 2011 order that, “pursuant to the Vermont Supreme Court's order on remand OCS must first properly serve Mr. Pahnke with its motion to modify the Michigan child support order, originally filed in Sept. of 2008.” (March 10, 2011 order, PC 26-27, italics and bold added).          
      Indeed, the record here is clear that plaintiffs subsequently failed to attempt personal or registered mail service of even the June 15, 2011 “renewed” motion to modify in adherence to any established rule of civil procedure notwithstanding their knowledge of defendant's address for at least the last 3 years! (Jan. 10, 2014 order, fn 2, compare Rollo, supra, at ¶¶ 2-3, In re R.W., 2011 VT 124, (2011) ¶50, (“due diligence” at procuring personal service must be attempted prior to resorting to ordinary mail or constructive service), cf. 15 V.S.A. § 1105 [12]).
       It would be an entirely different story in the instant case if plaintiffs had made any attempt to comply with either this court’s Dec. 8, 2010 order or filed a new modification action and served it under settled caselaw and/or the Rules of Family/ Civil Procedure 4, (see V.R.F.P. 4(j)(2)(B) and V.R.F.P. 4(b)(2)(B) ).
       However, not only did Plaintiffs fail to do so here, (Jan. 10, 2014 order, fn 2), they failed to show even due diligence to timely serve defendant their “renewed” modification and file their “proof of service” within 60 days of the trial court’s March 10, 2011 order as clearly required by Vermont law! (See V.R.C.P. 3, Beebe, supra, Fercenia, supra, Appellant's Brief, p. 6). [13]               
       Finally, the Attig court found, “father failed to raise a defense of insufficiency of process or insufficiency of service of process in subsequent pleadings or motions to the court.” Id. ¶ 18, in stark contrast to defendant father in this case who has diligently litigated the lack of jurisdiction flowing from the insufficiency of service here in almost every motion he has filed since his Aug. 13, 2009 Motion and continuing to his Jan 2011 “Special Appearance” Motion to Dismiss and subsequent Oct. 31, 2011 and Nov. 7, 2011 Motions for Relief from Judgment![14]      
      Therefore, since it is indisputable on the face of the record that defendant timely filed his “Special Appearance/Motion to Dismiss” subsequent to this court’s 2010 remand, (Jan. 10 Order, ¶ 21), and the Magistrate had expressly noted Appellant’s insufficiency of service claims regarding the June 15, 2011 “service,” (March 12, 2012 dvd tr. at 3:07:28), to find that this pro se litigant subsequently “waived” this claim is contrary to the record as a whole. [15] 
      Even more troubling, it reverses the burden of proper service from plaintiffs to defendant in this case. It should thus be rejected by this court because it contradicts settled caselaw on this matter as amply pointed out by the dissent of Justice Dooley in Rollo, supra, cf. fn 9 herein, Weisburgh v. McClure Newspapers, supra, Brady v. Brauer, supra.
ii. In light of the record evidence that plaintiffs have routinely disregarded proper service in this matter going back to Aug. of 2000 and have never attempted “due diligence” comporting with  Vermont's policy of  “best possible service” or properly complied with any Vermont Rule of Civil Procedure regarding service of process in this case, this full court's Jan. 10, 2014 decision sets a dangerous precedent reversing the burden of securing proper service from plaintiffs to defendants in order to properly commence a case in Vermont contrary to settled precedents, (see Beebe, supra, Fercenia, supra, Brady v. Brauer, supra).
      While the Court couches its Jan. 10, 2014 ruling in terms of “waiver,” (dealt with elsewhere), the fact remains that plaintiffs here failed to exercise “due diligence” to comply with Vermont's settled policy of requiring personal and/or “best possible service” before it could resort to service by “ordinary mail” which this court has upheld as sufficient here (see Aiken v. Malloy, supra, In re R.W., supra, cf. Jan. 10, 2014 order, fn 2).
      As the courts below found, whose findings are entitled to deference by this Court, “The record in this case contains no indication that Father was provided... notice [as required by 15 VSA Sec. 1033&1034(b)]” (id.), “Indeed, it appears Mother failed to meet the deadline and that she filed proof that Father received the modified order, not notice of the hearing,” (Aug 1, 2012 order of Superior Court judge Raineville, p.5 ¶ 2, italics and bold added).  See also Feb 23, 2009 order of Magistrate, “There has been no attempt at service in this jurisdiction before Sept. 2008,” pp. 5A-5B, rec., “There is no evidence in the record that OCS ever served father with the motion and notice of the hearing by certified mail or any of the other methods permitted by Vermont Rule for Family Proceedings 4,” (Jan. 10, 2014 order of Vermont Supreme Court, fn 2).
      Accordingly, this full court's Jan. 10, 2014 decision sets a dangerous precedent vis a vis an apparent reversing of the obligation of plaintiffs to secure proper and valid service under the Rules of Civil Procedure before jurisdiction attaches and a case is properly commenced under settled Vermont caselaw (see Beebe, supra, Fercenia, supra, Brady v. Brauer, supra).
      This court should thus grant the Motion for Rehearing (and coterminous Motion for Extension of Time and to Enlarge word count), and amend its judgment accordingly.
  iii. This court's waiver holding in its Jan. 10, 2014 order ignores Appellant's argument that to require that he raise his “insufficiency of service” arguments in a particular form when the Superior Court in its July 26, 2011 order had already expressly ruled that he could raise any “personal jurisdiction” issues in a “final appeal” and the trial court already had duly noted father's closely-related insufficiency-of-service claims in hearings before it violates the lenience required to be shown to pro se parties and militates against an “intentional and knowing” waiver here.
       Initially, Appellant notes it is a matter of settled Vermont law that a “waiver” must be both “intentional” and “knowing,” (see Hixson v. Plump 167 Vt. 202, 704 A.2d 1159 (1997), Chimney Hill Owners' Ass'n v. Antignani, 136 Vt. 446, 453; 392 A.2d 423, 427 (1978) (waiver “involves both knowledge and intent.”).
       Beyond that, this court's waiver holding in its Jan. 10, 2014 order has completely ignored Appellant’s argument that to require him to challenge insufficiency of service in a particular form when the trial court already had duly noted it in hearings before it, see Nov. 14, 2011 dvd tr. at 1:04:22, 1:06:38, 1:10:40, 2:19:56, 2:20:06, 2:20:20, cf. March 12, 2012 hearing, see dvd transcript at 3:07:28), and had expressly noted the close relation and similarity of previous claims of Appellant’s, (See May 10, 2012 order of Magistrate, PC 17), is indeed to place “form over substance” in a way that violates the latitude required to be shown pro-se litigants, (see Appellant’s Brief, ps. 16-17, Beyel v. Degan, 142 Vt. 617, 619, 458 A.2d 1137, 1138 (1983), Bingham v. Tenney, 154 Vt. 96, 101-02, 573 A.2d 1185, 1187-88 (1990).[16]
       In this regard it is salient to note that the Superior Court did not initially find any “waiver” of this issue on behalf of Appellant in this matter in its July 26, 2011 order dismissing the prior Magistrate's appeal for being “interlocutory,” (even though said order was entered after the contested June 15, 2011 “service” and the issue of “waiver” had been fully briefed by both Appellant and Appellees in their June 15, 2011 Response brief and was then pending before the Court).  Rather, the Court ruled, “defendant can raise his personal jurisdiction issues if and when he appeals any final order of the Magistrate...” (see July 26, 2011 order, in record).   
       Accordingly, since Appellant fully believed that his service-related jurisdictional claims were preserved by his Jan. 2011 “Special Appearance” Motion and the Superior Court’s July 26, 2011 order— a belief not challenged by the trial court in spite of its knowledge and obvious clarity it had on the issue—  how could Appellant have then “intentionally and knowingly” waived them?[17]
      While the court relies on Appellant’s filing of various motions subsequent to the June 15, 2011 “service” to conclude he “knowingly and intentionally” waived his objection to sufficiency of service, as pointed out in his brief(s) all the Motions Appellant filed subsequent to such “service” were aimed at the then-pending Magistrate’s pending appeal, (to which plaintiffs would have undoubtedly cried “Res Judicata” if Appellant had separately re-raised anew his “objection” to issue of sufficiency of service which at that time was pending in the 2011 Magistrate’s appeal to the Superior Court!) [18]
      Even if it is true that Appellant didn’t expressly re-raise this claim in the particular context of the June 15, 2011 service by “ordinary mail,” justice dictates that the substance of pro se father’s claims, which were raised diligently at every turn to the best of his ability and were clear to the trial court in hearings before it— see the Nov. 14, 2011 hearing and again at the March 12, 2012 hearings, see dvd transcript of March 12, 2012 hearing at 3:07:28, cf. Nov. 14, 2011 dvd tr. at 1:04:22, 1:06:38, 1:10:40, 2:19:56, 2:20:06, 2:20:20— could not have been “knowingly and intentionally waived” by pro se Appellant and should thus be addressed by this court, (see Hixson v. Plump, supra, Chimney Hill Owners' Ass'n v. Antignani, supra).  
      Indeed, this court’s Jan 10 ruling overlooks that the trial court’s “waiver” holding is “hyper technical” and against the weight of the evidence without regard for the substance as opposed to the form of Appellant’s claims, and thus is particularly harsh to Appellant in light of his pro se status. Accordingly, it should be “reheard” and reversed, (see Beyel v. Dugan, supra, Binghan v. Tenney, supra). [19]    
 iv. This court's Jan. 10, 2014 “waiver” holding overlooks federal precedent that a defendant is not obligated to repeatedly and continually raise their “special appearance” challenge to personal jurisdiction in order to “reserve” the issue.  
      Finally, while this court seemingly acknowledges that Appellant promptly raised this issue on remand, (see Jan. 10, 2014 order, ¶ 21), this court apparently (and contradictorily!) affirms the trial court’s holding requiring Appellant to repeatedly and continually “remind” the Court of his “Special Appearance” objection to personal jurisdiction, (see Jan. 10, 2014 order, ¶ 21 ), and has thus failed to “reserve” it, (id. ¶ 20).
      In doing so however this court apparently overlooks Appellant’s salient argument that under Hospital Corp of American v. District Ct., 112 Nev. 1159, 924 P.2d 725 (1996) and Gasset v. Snappy Car Rental, 111 NV 1416, 906 P.2d 258 (1995), once raised in his “Special Appearance” Motion to Dismiss of Jan. 31, 2011 Appellant was not required to continually assert his “special appearance” status in order to “reserve” it (see Appellant’s Brief ps. 18-19), or that, to require him to specifically raise his insufficiency of service/lack of jurisdiction claims in a particularly-styled Rule 12(h)(1) Motion misinterprets both the law and factual chronology of this case as well as improperly undermines the leniency required to be shown pro se litigants under settled precedents of this court, (see Beyel, supra, Bingham, supra), as well as Rule 60(b)’s “grand purposes” (see Appellant’s Brief, p. 11, fn 10, cf. In re: B.C. 169 Vt. 1, supra, In re Chester  P. and Bertha G. Denio, supra, V.R.C.P. 60(b)(4)(6).]  
    This court should therefore grant rehearing and amend its Jan. 10, 2014 judgment accordingly.  
     This court ruled in its Jan. 10, 2014 order that the Vermont courts had “personal jurisdiction” over defendant father based upon various “minimum contacts” with the State— chief among them his temporary residence in the State in “2007/2008” and involvement with both a prior divorce action and his mother’s guardianship action in 2008. [20]
      However, as pointed out above, the Court clearly overlooks Appellant’s argument that under settled Vermont and federal law both minimum contacts and proper service are required for the Vermont courts to “have jurisdiction over the defendant,” (see Northern Aircraft, Inc., 154 Vt. at 40, 572 A.2d at 1385 (both personal AND subject jurisdiction are required in order for a court to lawfully exercise authority over a person), accord U.S. v. Kramer 225 F.3d 847 (7th Cir. 2000), United States v. Bigford, 365 F.3d 859 (10th Cir. 2004), ¶¶21-22, ¶42, fn 2.
      Moreover, Appellant submits in light of the attenuated time span over which this court found  the requisite “minimum contacts” of defendant father with the State to exercise “personal jurisdiction” over him, that all such contacts are insufficiently “continuous and systematic” even assuming that proper service of process pursuant to the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure is not required to establish “personal jurisdiction” over Appellant (see Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations, S. A. v. Brown, 564 U.S. ___ (2011),  J. McIntyre Machinery v. Nicastro, 564 U.S. ___ (2011) ).
      Additionally, the Court clearly overlooks or misapprehends that,  i.) Under Vermont law "Residency for purposes of divorce jurisdiction is more than mere presence within the State... [it] is encompassed within the legal definition of domicile," see Conley v. Crisafulli, 2010 Vt. 38, (May 2010), citing Duval v. Duval, 149 vt. 506 at 510, and that,  ii.) All of Appellant’s alleged “minimum contacts” cited by the Court were for the benefit of his mother and/or ex wife or children and not himself contrary to Kulko v. California et al’s holdings. [21]  
     While this Court cites the 1998 filing for divorce by Appellant from his second wife in Franklin Family Court, Appellant is unaware of any authority— and the Court cites none— showing that submission to the Franklin Family court in 1998 can simultaneously suffice for “voluntary submission” sufficient to effect personal jurisdiction in the altogether separate matter of the 2008 modification in the Chittenden Family Court; Saliently, the Court overlooks that jurisdiction over both Appellant’s second divorce, as well as a prior attempt by plaintiff Paula Pahnke to effect jurisdiction in Vermont over the MI decree in 1999, was previously rejected by the Vermont Courts, (see April 1, 1999 Order of Franklin Family Court, in record, and order of the Chittenden Family Court dated                         in docket                         cndm).
       Indeed, Appellant submits that the fact Father then severed his ties and moved from Vermont— with almost a decade passing before returning in 2008 to care for his mother and his involvement as an “interested party” in her guardianship proceedings— is far more salient to the question of “personal jurisdiction” than the fact that father attempted to file for divorce against his second wife in Vermont over a decade ago!
       Moreover, while the Court cites the 2006 RFA hearing as a “contact” of defendant's with Vermont, given the unrelatedness of the 2006 hearing with the modification two years later and that process for the 2006 RFA proceeding had been initiated by plaintiff mother for her benefit, and had, in fact, been personally served on defendant while visiting his mother in the State, Appellant submits it is thus ineffective to confer personal jurisdiction over the 2008 modification.
       Accordingly, Appellant submits none of the “minimum contacts” proffered as sufficient to constitute “personal jurisdiction under the trial Court’s March 10, 2011 order” and affirmed by this Court— including the 2006 RFA hearing, Appellant’s temporary presence in Vermont and involvement as an “interested party” in his mother’s 2008 guardianship proceedings in Chittenden Probate Court— are constitutionally sufficient to evince “purposeful availment” of the State’s laws for Appellant’s own personal benefit, as required by Kulko v California Superior Court, 436 U.S. 84, 98 S.Ct. 1690, 56 L.Ed.2d 132 (1978).
 ii.  In finding the 2006 RFA proceeding relevant to its “personal jurisdiction” analysis, this court overlooks the fact that absent proper service in the underlying matter at any time in the history of this case, under V.R.C.P. 5(a) and settled caselaw the 2008 modification constituted a “separate action” dealing with “new or additional” claims which was required to be served pursuant to Rule 4’s more rigorous service requirements.
       Although this court cites the 2006 RFA proceedings to buttress its finding of sufficient “minimum contacts” with Vermont to uphold a finding of personal jurisdiction over Defendant, the Court utterly ignores Appellant’s arguments in pages 10-12 of his Reply Brief that under Iannarone v. Limoggio, 2011 Vt. 9I at ¶ l8 (2011), and In re C.P., Vermont Supreme Court Nos. 2012-057, 2012-l9I at ¶ 24 {1999) the modification was a “separate action” raising “new or additional claims,” thus requiring service under V.R.F.P. and/or V.R.C.P. 4’s more rigorous service requirements, (see V.R.C.P. 5(a), 12 VS.A. Sec 466, V.R.F.P. 4, V.R.C.P. 4, cf. docket entries for 11/16/06 noting RFA "case closed").
       Moreover, Appellant contends as a matter of law that the 2006 RFA proceedings is inapropos to a finding of personal jurisdiction over the 2008 modification, as the RFA hearing didn’t impact on Defendant father’s constitutionally-protected property rights as the modification does (see Aug 1, 2012 order of Superior Court judge Raineville indicating a higher level of constitutional protection for “In personum” orders as for “In rem” or “quasi in rem” status determinations, p. 4, 4).
       Finally, and most pertinently, the 2006 RFA action was personally served on Defendant Father while visiting his mother in Vermont in 2006, noticeably not the case with the 2008 modification.   Thus, if anything, it only strengthens Appellant’s argument about the importance of proper service in the 2008 modification and the impropriety of using the 2006 modification to buttress a finding of personal jurisdiction as it is clearly distinguished, both constitutionally and in its factual circumstances, from the subsequent 2008 modification. [22]   
 This Court in its Jan. 10 order overlooks Defendant’s argument that in light of this court’s prior vacation of the 2008 service of process by its Dec. 8, 2010 order and plaintiffs’ willful failure to procure any service on defendant of the modification until June 15, 2011, as a matter of fundamental fairness retroactivity should be limited to that date rather than the Sept. 2008 date of the process already struck down by this Court’s Dec. 2010 order.          
     As pointed out by Defendant in his opening Brief, to allow his support obligations to accrue from the date of filing in Sept. 2008 rather than from the time of ordinary mail "service" in June of 2011 seems in itself a violation of due process and "Ex Post Facto" considerations and/or would seemingly be barred by the doctrines of latches and/or collateral estoppel, (see Appellant's Brief, p. 26, fn 20).          
     Indeed, it allows defendant to be "bound" to an obligation for which he legally hadn't yet received service of process and has resulted in an excessively large arrearage owed Plaintiff from Defendant which he can't possibly pay, seemingly contrary to Vermont law under Grimes v. Grimes, 159 Vt. 399, 406, 621 A.2d. 211, 214 (1992) ) (see Appellant’s Opening Brief, p. 26).        
      Accordingly, this Court should rehear this matter and/or amend its Jan. 10, 2014 order to make any future child support order only retroactive to the date of notice, June 15, 2011.  
    Therefore, for the above and foregoing reasons, Appellant respectfully requests this Honorable Court rehear this matter and/or amend its Jan. 10, 204 order accordingly.
Respectfully submitted this 19th day of Feb., 2014.
Jonathan A. Pahnke, Appellant





                                                                           *                        Vermont Supreme Court

Jonathan A. Pahnke,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                                                                           *                            docket No. 2012-387




                vs.                                                       *                     


                                                                           *                Re: Appeal from Vermont Superior Ct.

Paula J. Pahnke and Vermont OCS                                                                                                  

                                                                           *                      Chittenden Unit, Family Division                                                                                                                                                                                                           



                                                                                                        File no. 622-8-00 Cndm       



         Defendant Jonathan Pahnke hereby certifies and affirms that he has this day served upon the following parties a copy of the enclosed REVISED MOTION/MEMORANDUM FOR REHEARING and MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE MOTION FOR REHEARING AND TO ENLARGE WORD COUNT by depositing in the U.S. Mail or other commercial carrier and/or electronically (as noted) a copy of the same affixed or prepaid with sufficient postage to insure delivery thereof and addressed to:


Paula Pahnke                                                                Vermont OCS, Legal Division

48 Lexington Rd                                                           Att. Sarah Haselton, esq.!

Colchester, Vt 05446                                                    32 Cherry St. Suite 310

First Class Mail                                                           Burlington VT  05401  Via e-mail


Clerk, Vermont Supreme Court

109 State Street

Montpelier Vt. 05609 Via USPS Priority Mail


This 19th day of Feb., 2014.  _______________________ , Jonathan A. Pahnke, Appellant

[1] Fercenia v. Guiduli, 2003 VT 50 ¶8, 175 VT 541, 830 A.2d 55 (mem) (2003), (Failure of plaintiffs to comply with the time for service provisions or “waiver” requirements of V.R.C.P. 3 and V.R.C.P. 4(l) properly resulted in dismissal of case), Driver v Driver, 515 A.2d 1058, (1986), "personal jurisdiction must be somehow acquired, it cannot be merely ordered," citing Avery v. Bender, 126 Vt. 342, 345; 230 A.2d 786, 788 (1967), Pasquale v. Genovese, 392 A.2d 395, (1978) ("jurisdiction in the abstract not sufficient without service of process"); In re: Estate of Francis Duval, 133 VT 197 332 A.2d 802, (1975), (constructive service by publication on out of town party not notice reasonably calculated to apprise party of action under Mullane et al.); Smith v. Brattleboro Retreat Inc., 147 VT 303, 515 A.2d 1056 (1986), (lack of service by registered mail left the court without jurisdiction to hear the case); Emmons v. Emmons, 124 VT. 107, 197 A.2d 812 (1964) (absent voluntary submission only personal service in state can confer jurisdiction, partially overruled in Von Ohlsen v. Von Ohlsen,137 VT 377, 406 A.2d 393 (1979); Cf. Howe v. Lisbon Savings Bank and Trust Co., 111 VT 201, 207; 14 A.2 3, 6 (1940) ("for a court to try a matter, it must have jurisdiction over subject matter, of the process, and of the person"), Aiken v. Malloy, 132 VT 200, 208-209, 315 A.2d 488, (1974) (public policy requires courts uphold preference for 'best possible service').
[2] As shown exhaustively in Appellant’s brief, Appellees could not rely on Gates v. Gates et. al. because, 1) There was never proper service of this matter in Vermont 2000, and the Registration of the Michigan decree in 2004 was improper as the Vermont courts didn’t then have “jurisdiction over the father,” a non resident of Vermont at the time, and, 2) Even the 2006 RFA could not confer jurisdiction in an altogether different matter two years later pursuant to V.R.C.P. 5(a)’s requirement that “new or additional claims” be served pursuant to V.R.C.P. 4, see Appellant’s brief, fn 4, p. 22, cf. Reply Brief p. 8, record).
[3] See Aug. 1, 2012 ruling of Superior Court Family Div. Judge, p. 5, in record.
[4] Appellant however submits this last holding is contrary to the July 26, 2011 ruling of the Superior court in which the Hon. Justice Thomas J. Devine, sitting in appellate fashion regarding the 2011 Magistrate's Appeal, rejected it as "premature;" Indeed, rather than finding Appellant had "waived" his personal jurisdiction claims, the July 26, 2011 order assured this party he could have his service/jurisdiction claims resolved upon appeal of any final child support order of the trial court! (see July 26, 2011 order of Superior Court Judge Thomas J. Devine, in record). 
[5] Indeed, plaintiff mother in this matter has openly and repeatedly scoffed at obeying the Rules of Civil Procedure re service going all the way back to the inception of this matter in Vermont in 2000, notwithstanding this Court’s erroneous conclusion in ¶ 4 of  its Jan. 10, 2014 order that “The [family] court issued the order on an emergency basis and ordered mother to submit proof of service of the amended order within three days,” cf. Aug. 1, 2012 order of Superior Court Judge Raineville, “The record in this case contains no indication that Father was provided... notice [as required by 15 VSA Sec. 1033&1034(b)]” (id.). “Indeed, it appears Mother failed to meet the deadline and that she filed proof that Father received the modified order, not notice of the hearing,” (Aug 1, 2012 order, p.5¶2, italics and bold added for emphasis).
[6] Appellant has repeatedly raised the issue of lack of/insufficiency of service at every turn in this case going back to his filings in the 2010 appeal which the trial court, and apparently now this court, has found so dispositive, (see Jan. 10, 2014 order, compare 2010 Reply Brief of Appellant in this court, p. 1 ¶2, ps. 2-3, 9-10, rec, see also Appellant’s 2011 Special Appearance/Motion to Dismiss, in rec., p. __), Part II.A.2.i, ii. and iii. of defendant's Initial Memorandum of Law  in the 2011 Magistrate's Appeal arguing insufficiency of service/ lack of service, cf. Parts II.A.3., 4., and 5. and notes 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 18, id.; Appellant's reply brief in 2010 Appeal to Vermont Supreme Court, italics added for emphasis, see also id., p. 2 ¶3, pp. 5-8).
[7]  Cf. dvd transcript of Nov. 14, 2011 hearing at 1:04:22, 1:06:38, 1:10:40, 2:19:56, 2:20:06, 2:20:20.
[8]  While it is certainly true that “Only after the remand” Appellant raised his insufficiency of service claims       particularly-styled as a “Special Appearance,” (Jan 10 order, ¶ 21), this Court ignores its own precedents that pro se litigants are not to be “trapped” by technical adherence to the Rules, (see below ), and the clear evidence on the face of the record indicating that Appellant in fact orally raised this matter to the Court in line with Rollo, 2013 VT 74, at the very first hearing on remand where he specifically requested the trial court to resolve the jurisdictional issues regarding lack of proper service/jurisdiction before proceeding to the financial matters dealing with the modification but was overruled, (see dvd transcript of Jan. 31, 2011 hearing).  Moreover, leaving aside that Appellant’s themselves had waived their right to consideration of the “waiver” argument due to their failure to timely object on this basis in their Feb. 9, 2011 Response to Appellant’s Motion, the entire gist of this Court’s Jan. 10, 2014 order overlooks that, having raised the “jurisdictional issue” of insufficiency of service/lack of service in the 2010 appeal and having just won that appeal pursuant to the Dec. 8, 2010 order, Appellant’s raising his “Special Appearance” prior to the “merits” hearings in 2011 and 2012  did  in fact comply with the spirit, if not the letter, of Rule 12(h)  requiring litigants raise jurisdictional defects at the earliest moment.  Elsewise why didn’t this court affirm the Feb. 23, 2009 order on the same “waiver” basis?
[9] Even so, the Rollo decision drew a sharp dissent from Justice Dooley, who stated in no uncertain terms, “To initiate a lawsuit, a party, or the court on the party's behalf, must follow very specific requirements, and no relief is appropriate unless an action has been properly instituted. Plaintiff, or the court, did not comply with the rules here, and plaintiff therefore was not entitled to the relief granted to her by the trial court. I would reach the merits of defendant's insufficient-service-of-process defense, and either direct that service be quashed or that the case be dismissed.” see dissent of Dooley, Justice, Rollo, supra, at ¶ 15. “Proper service of process is imperative.” id. ¶ 20.
[10] While this court also finds that “jurisdiction” in a general sense exists over defendant based on his temporary “Vermont residency” in 2008, it utterly ignores Defendant’s argument that proper service is still required to effect  jurisdiction, and that he lacked domicilary intent,Residency for purposes of divorce jurisdiction is more than mere presence within the State... [it] is encompassed within the legal definition of domicile,” see Conley v. Crisafulli, 2010 Vt. 38, (May 2010), citing Duval v. Duval, 149 vt. 506 at 510.
[11] To the contrary, as is clear from this court’s own ultimate conclusion regarding a key part of defendant father’s appeal, the trial court’s Feb 23, 2009 “zero out” order was without any basis in law, to wit, “There is no legal basis for retroactive modification of this order for the periods prior to the motion to modify child support…” (Jan. 10, 2014 order, ¶ 36). 
[12]  If Vermont law even allows such “renewed” process; indeed, defendant can't find any caselaw supporting the idea that process already struck down can simply be “renewed” on a trial court's sayso, (cf. Putney v. Schaaf,  Further, as argued in Appellant’s Briefs, because plaintiffs had never properly served defendant any advance process in this case going back to the Aug. 15, 2000 “Emergency” hearing in Family court, the modification constituted “new or additional claims” under V.R.C.P. 5(a) and was thus required to be served according to Rule 4’s more rigorous requirements, see Appellant’s Brief, pp 4-9, 13-14).
[13]  Moreover, the record here is clear that most, if not all prior “attempts” at service by plaintiffs here going back to 2000 had nothing to do with the 2008 modification action filed by plaintiffs and were “served” on incorrect addresses of Appellant or were not attempts at either registered mail or personal service, as required under the law, see In re R.W., supra , cf. Mullane v. Hanover Bank and Trust, Jones v. Flowers, et al, Aiken v. Malloy, 132 VT 200, 208-209, 315 A.2d 488, (1974) (public policy requires courts uphold preference for 'best possible service').
[14]  See Nov. 14, 2011 dvd tr. at 1:04:22, 1:06:38, 1:10:40, 2:19:56, 2:20:06, 2:20:20, cf. March 12, 2012 hearing, see dvd transcript at 3:07:28)
[15] Moreover, leaving aside that Appellees themselves had waived their right to consideration of the “waiver” argument due to their failure to timely object on this basis in their Feb. 9, 2011 Response to Appellant’s Motion to dismiss, the entire gist of this Court’s Jan. 10, 2014 order overlooks that, having raised the “jurisdictional issue” of insufficiency of service/lack of service in the 2010 appeal and having just won that appeal pursuant to the Dec. 8, 2010 order, Appellant’s raising his “Special Appearance” motion prior to the “merits” hearings in 2011 and 2012  did  in fact comply with the spirit, if not the letter, of Rule 12(h) requiring litigants raise jurisdictional defects at the earliest moment.  Elsewise why didn’t this court simply affirm the Feb. 23, 2009 order on the same “waiver” basis?
[16] Indeed , the manner in which the process was “served” on Appellant— i.e., along with Appellees’ Response brief in the then-pending Magistrate’s appeal— and long after the 60 day time for such service under the March 10, 2011 order under V.R.C.P. 3 had passed, resulted in confusion on the part of this pro-se litigant who had every reason to believe that his 2011 Magistrate’s appeal to the  Superior Court would resolve such issues in his favor.
[17] To the contrary, the trial court was exceptionally coy as to the basis of its forthcoming “waiver” ruling when questioned on it by Appellant in open court at both the Nov. 14, 2011 and March 12, 2012 hearings.  This gives the impression of an intentional “sandbagging” of pro se Appellant on this issue, contrary to the Rules of Conduct governing judges and the requirement for not only justice to be impartially done, but to appear to have been so done!
[18] Of course, father could not have specifically raised his objection to the June 15, 2011 “ordinary mail” service in his “Special Appearance/Motion to Dismiss” because plaintiffs had not yet mailed it to him! However, he did raise the insufficiency of service and resulting lack of personal jurisdiction argument in his subsequent Oct. 31, 2011 Motion, (however wrongly styled or captioned as related to the Aug. 15, 2000 order). Thus, unless this court's prior precedents regarding the leniency in filings of pro se litigants is mere “dicta,” it seems unavoidable that defendant did raise the insufficiency of service argument prior to the Nov. 14, 2011 hearing, (albeit in a confused and incomplete manner).  This makes all the more clear the prejudicial effect of plaintiffs' failure to promptly object to these claims or file a new modification on remand, There was no second motion which would give rise to a second filing date,” (see Jan. 10, 2014 order, ¶ 38). Therefore, rather than buttress plaintiffs position, it would appear that such a finding should rather strengthen defendant’s case, as the burden for proper service is not on defendants but plaintiffs under settled Vermont law (Brady v. Brauer, supra), and this court by its ruling sends the opposite message. (And see dissent of Dooley, justice, in Rollo, supra.  Indeed, Justice Dooley’s dissent there seems strangely juxtaposed to his apparent acquiescence to the majority in the instant matter).
[19] Indeed, it seems safe to say that, at best, Appellant had diligently preserved his “insufficiency of service” claims until right up until the Nov. 14, 2011 hearing before the Court, (which raises a whole slew of other questions this party can only address at due to time and word restrictions). Suffice to say here that defendant fails to see the “lenience” in pleadings that this court supposedly affords pro se parties under Beyel, Valtecht, and Bingham, supra, especially in light of plaintiffs' own failure to raise the “waiver” argument in their “first responsive pleading” on remand of Feb. 9, 2011! (cf. VRCP 12(h)(1) ). 
[20] Although this court also cites father’s pleadings in which he indicates he returned to Vermont in “2007/2008,” Defendant's reference to “2007/2008” in prior filings was only meant as a loose reference to his intermittent visits to help his mother throughout the range of those years; Indeed, as noted by the Chittenden Probate Court in his mother’s guardianship proceedings, his visits to Vermont were intermittent in 2007, (see Dec. 19, 2008 order of Chittenden Probate Court, p. 1, _, “[Appellant returned to Vermont in Sept. of 2008”); As such Appellant submits that his residing in Vermont for less than half the year in 2008, and only to assist his mother, does not meet the test of Shaffer, supra, and Kulko, supra, of “purposeful availment” of the State’s laws for his own benefit sufficient to confer jurisdiction under even the “minimum contacts” test required by Due Process under Intl Shoe.
[21] The court additionally credits the Magistrate's finding that Appellant had a Vermont driver's license, while ignoring countervailing testimony of Appellant's that he had a Tennessee drivers license and Appellees' concession that Appellant only had a Vermont drivers license “at one time,” (not necessarily the time frame preceding the filing of the 2008 modification). However, even if it be conceded Appellant had a drivers license in Vermont in 2008, this still does not address Appellant's core argument that all his contacts with Vermont were for the express purpose of caring for his ill mother, (who required Appellant's assistance in driving her to doctor's and other appointments); thus this still does not evince contacts for the purpose of father's personal benefit as required under Kulko, supra.
[22] Moreover, it underscores  the State’s inability to proffer any reasonable explanation for its failure to make any attempt to personally and properly serve Defendant the modification under V.R.F.P. 4 in spite of the Magistrate noting"Defendant was sitting in the courthouse on a RFA hearing, and you failed to effect service on him re: an order of support," see dvd transcript of Feb. 23, 2009 hearing, record.