Thursday, February 20, 2014

UPDATE on Revised Motion for Rehearing RE Case 2012-387, Vermont Supreme Court

It's been almost two weeks since I last posted, so thought I would let my readers know what I've been up to. 

Since last posting, I found out, (through talking with Cathy Gattone, the Chief docket clerk at the Vermont Supreme Court), that the Court rejected my Motion for Rehearing almost as soon as it got it, (received it timely on Jan. 14, 2014, rejected it on Jan. 17, 2014).... well, that's not entirely accurate...

According to Ms. Gattone, who I spoke with shortly after my last post on here, the Court rejected my filing, as they have many of them, (hey, I'm not a lawyer and don't pretend to be!), for not strictly complying with certain rules...

Apparently in my rush to get my Motion for Rehearing to the Court in a timely fashion at a friends home since losing mine in November, (you should try typing 12 hours a day five days in a row sometime under a strict deadline, is it any wonder why I suffer from carpal tunnel?? lol) I forgot to number my pages and include what's called a "certificate of compliance" which states that you are complying with the "word count" restrictions of the Appellate Rules, (which incidently I wasn't even aware applied to a Motion for Rehearing!) Unfortunately, due to time restrictions and the sheer number of arguments the Court entirely ignored in my briefs, I was only partially successful in shortening my Revised motion, so we shall see what happens... But it wasn't for lack of effort, (indeed, it is partly why I haven't been able to blog the last couple weeks, in addition to looking for work so I can get back on my feet and get on with the important tasks I am obligated to regarding my children).

Although the Court gave me until Feb. 4th to "refile" my Motion, due to my not getting the Court's notice to that effect in a timely manner (due to my essentially being homeless and living out of my car at this point), by the time I spoke with Ms. Gattone on Feb 7 I had already passed the date the court had set; Nevetheless, utilizing public libraries and working to the max they would let me every day, (you only get a couple hours and sometimes up to three when they aren't busy), I valiantly attempted the last couple weeks to "fix" my Motion per the Court's directions. 

I say "attempted" because, though I tried valiantly as alluded above, I only succeeded in shrinking my Motion by about 35 percent... Editing is always difficult for a perfectionist like me; but in this case, due to my extremely limited time and the complete ignoring of the Court of virtually all my arguments in my briefs addressing the very issues the Court in fact ruled on in its Jan. 10 order, (but without even mentioning in their ruling!) it was virtually impossible...

Of course, this is partly why I originally took to blogger, (as well as to give others going through similar circumstances some help, and hopefully tips on how to get a fair hearing and not be completely screwed by their ex's and the legal system as I have been with their kids paying the price... but I digress... (and this is no surprise to anyone reading this blog)...

Indeed, it is a cruel truth that the legal system, I have found, is anything but fair much of the time, (especially to untrained pro se litigants like myself), and this is no more true than when dealing with fathers, (believe me, I have found that out the hard way!)  But the Courts just don't have the resources to fully delve into all the whys and backstory of people's cases... If they did in my case, they would surely see how good my ex wife got it here, and how unfair this whole process has been to me as a father completely shut out of his children's lives for no good reason other than it was "easier" for my ex that way.

But it's not just the judges (or the laws!) which are to blame, (though there is plenty of blame to go around!)  Indeed, as is often the case in great matters, there is no shortage of support for what should be done, or the principles in law to back it up, if those with the power would just want to make it so. (And make no mistake, my case is much more than about just money!  It is at least as much about teh brainwashing of one's children against him, of getting a "full and fair hearing," and receiving ones "due process" before there can be levied huge arrearages against them to appease the vindictive motives of those who, while once satisfied with gaining almost everything of the things that matter most, decide that they want not only their piece of the pie, but the whole pie!)

In that regard, and in spite of dicta of various courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court and many State Supreme courts, (including Vermonts!) proclaiming the importance of "leniency" in applying the state procedural Rules on non-critical matters when dealing with pro se (or self represented parties for the uninitiated), so as not to be "taken advantage of" by legalistic and formulaic applications seemingly intended to prevent valid claims from being addressed, the fact of the matter, as my case has shown, is that the judges, and court system in general, just don't have the resources to adequately resolve all the cases before them on the merits, (especially in our litigious society with lawyers advertising on T.V. everyday how to get rich suing this person or that for every perceived wrong imaginable!).... This is one area where tort reform and other common sense changes in the Rules of Civil procedure could really have an impact, freeing up courts for addressing other issues dealing with children and families, matters of much more importance frankly, more fully...

And like it or not, contrary to common perceptions, it is not the judges who drive the legal system, but lawyers, and, even worse, often hardly trained "interns" culled from the ranks of second year law students (or simply civil servant legal "assistants" and researchers without an adequate grounding in either constitutional law or proper interpretation of procedural rules to begin with, witness the earlier "dismissal" by the Vermont Supreme Court of my appeal for being "untimely" only to subsequently concede that my 2013 appeal was, in fact, timely filed and, to their credit, reinstate it!)

And this is on top of the fact that those without lawyers often are relegated to the "wack job crazy" crowd and judged right off the bat, whose arguments need not be addressed as they are deemed, (apparently) too philosophical, too sophmoric, too lengthy, you name it, to be given a fair hearing!  (or that there are a lot of people who really don't have any meritorious legal arguments at all, but routinely file actions with no merit which clogs the docket for others like yours truly with legitimate claims). 

But verbose my filings may at times be, (and I'll be the first to admit that my initial Motion for Rehearing was not my best work!) that is a far cry from my well-reasoned and supported arguments presented in my briefs and prior motions to the state Courts, (as is obvious from the Supreme Court granting even a partial victory to me in its Jan 10 order!)

Of course, it doesn't help that my case deals with the political hot potato of "child support," an issue judges are loathe to appear "soft" on lest they appear to be stealing food from the mouths of babes, (never mind if, as in my case, the minor children are long from babes and were well provided for through other means!) 

Which of these factors is most at play in the Vermont Supreme Court's curious repudiation of its former Dec. 2010 order in my case cannot be known.... And it is of course possible that the Court, which is after all a human institution, has made an error unwittingly in my case...

On that score, and to be entirely fair, I should note that the Court in the past has shown some willingness to allow me to correct my filings when they have found them in some way not to their liking and/or deficient, (although it would have been much nicer if they could have just accepted my pleadings, as technically insufficient as they were, and in the present case it is hard to see how I could possibly have completed the assignment of winnowing down my points "overlooked" by the Court, which are voluminous, to about ten pages from 30 with extremely limited understanding of what my Motion should consist of and the extremely limited time frame of 7 days in which the court initially ordered it, (which frankly, would barely have allowed time for mailing even if I had received timely notice of the Court's action!) 

It is also important to note that the Court may yet find its bearings and grant me justice, (or at least have the intergrity to address the arguments I have raised again and again in the Vermont Courts with no redress, rather than once again demurring on technicalities)... 

We shall see...

In the meantime, if I get a chance between job hunting I will try to delve more into the procedural and other matters this case is rife with in my next post, (after posting my "Revised" Motion for Rehearing). 

Until next time... jp

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